Monday, 16 September 2013


This morning I had Bryan watching The Power of Vulnerability on TED. TED is a good forum for exploring the realm of psychology. Brene Brown discussed fear, shame, vulnerability, self worth and compassion. She broaches the subject in a far more humorous manner than I could. I might presented it in an academic or preachy manner which would dull the subject and rob it of relevance or interest. I love that Bryan can watch how adults present themselves, how they garner laughter from an audience, how they distill a thought in their mind, and how they understand their world and the language that they bring forth in expressing their experience. After we watched it I asked Bryan "Tell me what she said.", "What did you learn?", "Finish this sentence: It is good to... It is bad to..." I told Bryan that oftentimes we look for the approval of others when really it may be best to seek our own self approval. That is if we progress at a task and achieve greater mastery day by day. 9/16/2013

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